Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Google Buzz

I just read How I Became the Robert Scoble of Buzz, an article that was brought to me through the Read Write Web feed. Before reading, I didn't even know who Robert Scoble was...lol. I learned Robert Scoble was someone who quickly socially networked with several other users of Twitter shortly after it first came out. Apparently this man tried to follow as many tweeters as he could and in this way got people to follow him back (I am aware "follow" is probably not the proper term in the context of Twitter; it's a google term, but I don't care).  The unnamed guest author of this article was checking out the new Google Buzz and was able to get a lot of followers in a short amount of time and the article is basically him expressing how fascinatied he is by this accomplishment.

This author seems to be quite the fan of Buzz. He mentioned things he enjoyed about it compared to other social networking sites, such as the way it doesn't limit the number of friends you have like Facebook (which apparently has a 5,000 person friend limit), or the number of characters you can post at a time, like Twitter.

Personally, I do not currently see myself having much of a desire to use Buzz any time in the near future. However, I do admit I have at least checked it out.  It was super easy to do since I am in my gmail account all of the time.   When I saw the Buzz icon thingy  appear on the left side of my email account page it was slightly intriguing, and so I clicked on it. I was suprised that some of my friends already were using it quite a bit, posting status updates. I wondered what its appeal to them was. I thought we were all content with facebook. I know I am. Maybe they like it because it's like one stop-shopping for google account holders. They can check their email, follow and comment on friends' statuses, and read their reader feeds all at the same place (and probably do whatever other stuff Google has to offer that they enjoy using). As for me though, I don't see what's the buzz about Buzz, and will keep doing my thing on facbeook. I don't want to have more than 5,000 friends anyway. I can hardly keep up with the approx. 500 that I have. :)

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