Thursday, February 18, 2010

Most Embedded You Tube Videos

I just looked at an interesting article from the Read Write Web feed about the embedding of YouTube videos on blogs, The Most Popular YouTube Videos and the Bloggers Who Embed Them.    Had I come across this article before taking this class, I probably wouldn't have found it to be quite as interesting, but now that I am blogging and know how to embed, it carries more meaning and is something to which I can relate.

The article reported the top 10 most embedded YouTube videos from July to Decemeber of 2009.  The video that was most embedded on blogs, according to Sysomos, a company that analyzes and keeps track of social media, was the JK Wedding Entrance Dance.  This does not surprise me, because I know it was quite a hit.  This happens to be one of my personal favorites as well.   I haven't heard of any of the others that were mentioned, such as Evian Water Babies or Muppet's Bohemian Rhapsody.  I am excited to check these out. 

This article also gave statistics accompanied by nice pie charts regarding what type of YouTube videos were the most popular for embedding and who is emebedding them. Music videos came in first at about 31% of the embedded videos, and as far as the "who" goes, apparently 20-35 year-olds are the ones behind most of the video embedding on blogs (about 57% of those doing this).  For more on this, check out the article that has been linked above!

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