Monday, January 18, 2010

Educators' Stances on MLK Day

I just read a short article/survey from the Edutopia feed which was about what schools should do on Martin Luther King Jr. Day  ( It presented readers with a little survey asking them which of four options seems most appropriate for schools on this holiday. You can check out the link if you want to see the options/results. (I was going to put a screen capture image of the survey results from Grab in this post... but then I wondered... is that even legal? Does anyone know if it is? I want to be careful about these things, and I know I will learn more about that kind of stuff in this class. I am playing it safe for now though).

Anyway... I am definitely not opposed to having the day off, but I also think having school that day gives us good opportunities for teaching about this incredible American hero.  Personally, I have fond memories of celebrating the hoilday when I was a student at Ralya Elementary in Haslett. I remember in music class we spent at least a week or two learning songs about MLK, and on the actual holiday we had a program in the gym and we performed the songs.  I can even still remember two of the songs. :)

Our district gave students the day off, and we used today as a PD day, which I thought was fine. I  wonder if the students even thought much about today being a holiday though when they were chillin' at home...

1 comment:

  1. Our school also uses the day for Professional Development. We have very little diversity in our district, therefore, the students don't really learn to appreciate what impact Martin Luther King had on our country.
