Monday, January 18, 2010

Getting Started!

Hi Everyone!

I am just getting started with the blogging for our class, even though it's technically week 2 now. I have a little catching up to do, but I'm not too stressed out about it. I am relieved that my schools' conferences are not until NEXT week so I should have enough time to get things done for this Friday. For those of you who do have conferences this week, I hope everything goes well for you and that you are able to find time to complete any assignments that you still need to do.

I'm not far into our book yet, but one thing that's been impressed upon me so far from the blog chapter, though it may not really seem that profound, is how blogs are supposed to be ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE. This definitely shouldn't be a new idea to me... after all, being able to communicate back to the author seems to be one of the main purposes and defining qualities of blogs.  I guess I just keep thinking about this because I feel like my posts for Bruce's class were usually pretty lame and didn't really elicit responses (although you guys were cool and still thought of nice comments to say anyway). It was like I was trying to get my minimum number of required posts done and didn't really think about how to engage my readers.  Reading that part in our book was a bit of a challenge for me. For this blog I will at least be more conscientious about trying to give you guys a little more to think about and respond to.  :)

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